

“Gatekeepers” are the combined ministries at Calvary Chapel of the High Desert of the ushers, greeters, safety team, welcome booth, and parking lot servants.

The name comes from 1 Chronicles 9:17-27 and other scriptures that list, along with the priests, Levites, and singers, there were the gatekeepers who also attended to the work of the service at the place of worship for God’s people. Whether in the parking lot, foyer, or sanctuary, our desire is to come alongside the Biblical function of the church by greeting and assisting newcomers or regular church family members as they come to services. Our commitment is that the love of Jesus Christ is manifested through us to all who come here and to oversee that all things are done decently and in order. We are also here to help ensure the security and safety of those who attend our services through watchful vigilance that is led by the Holy Spirit as a deterrent to those who seek to harm God’s people in any way. Our role is to help facilitate the gathering of the church together for worship and the study of the word of God without distraction and be a blessing to others as we do it.
